Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Answers from David

Though I no business doing so, as I've only seen the process from
afar, here are my attempts at answers to your 3 questions:

> 1) In 15 words or less, what is the goal/purpose of Project~X~?

Ha ha. To use hard science and its legacy to create a *spiritually*
transforming experience for the audience.

> 2) What two research presentations/eXtudes have spoken to you most
up to this point? Why? (you are welcome to choose your own)

Oh my. Exploring the escape from gravity (or some other earthly
normalness) seems like a license-able prospect (because it is
theatre, after all, you can get away with some seemingly impossible

> 3) If you had to explain right now to a theatregoer what the
experience of Project~X~ will be like, what would you say? (be as abstract or
concrete as you like/can)

Quasi-empirical truth about the cold nature of the universe
resonates through the charlatan devices of theatre. ha ha!

flame on dudes!!!!!

David C

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