Sunday, November 11, 2007

Aubrey de Grey

Oh god, I can't stop, I can't.

Here is one of the scientist's on Alcor's Scientific Advisory Board:

Aubrey de Grey received his BA, MA and PhD degrees from the University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, where he was formerly a research associate. He is currently chairman and chief science officer of the Methuselah Foundation and editor-in-chief of the academic journal Rejuvenation Research. His main research areas are the role and etiology of oxidative damage in mammalian aging, including both mitochondrial and extracellular free radical production and damage, and the design of interventions to reverse the age-related accumulation of oxidative and other damage. He is author of the book Ending Aging (2007) and subject of the British Channel 4 documentary Do You Want to Live Forever? (2007).


David C said...

Hey, his TED talk is great at He has a 2 part talk on youtube that is more detailed, as TED talks are strictly timed.
That rural English accent combined with the I'm-already-an-old-man
though-I'm-40 hairstyle is very quaint.

He is part of a movement that I've been reading about the last 2 years -- Transhumanism. That is, people who are embracing the integration of technology into our lives to the point where the definition of what it means to be human is clearly changed.


La Foi said...

oh man, I'll have to look more into Aubrey. I thought he was just a quack but if he's British that's different.

It figures that you would be interested in transhumanism -- TRANSCHANDLER! aha, the truth comes out!

??? I don't know what I mean by that.