Sunday, November 11, 2007

Personal Time Capsules 4: "Age 20"

-college papers
-picture of my grandfather
-play I wrote about my family
-Lena Kaminsky, Tim D, Becky Long & myself in Europe
-a gerbera daisy
-Indigo Girls live album, singing with Lena and Eliz
-my first apartment
-Coffeehouse 88.9fm
-London Underground receipts
-photo of Jon at Sandy Lane Farm
-red sweatpants with black stripes
-cabbage soup
-Harpoon Brewery beer
-Jeff Buckley mix CD
-MC-505 synth
-"The Audience" by Herbert Blau
-a picture of my house "Fairmount"
-a pitch pipe
-journal/photos from my semester in Ireland
-book of Yeats' poetry
-weird stuffed animal horse that one guy gave me
-Sarah MacLaughlin CD
-paintings from apartment Aryn, Riva & I lived in


Hand2Mouth Theatre said...

OH MY GOD. Julie, I am loving reading what people are putting in their time capsules! I am seriously getting emotional reading these over! It's so beautiful!

- Faith

Julie said...

I was freaking out a bit noticing all the things that are the same, especially in the "time life cycle" view of things: many of us studied abroad at age 20, we liked stuffed animals at age 5, we all drank coffee in the morning. It has me thinking, because we were (mostly) the same ages in different years (1986 vs 1978 for age 5) about the regularity of our contemporary lives. Maybe one person will put in a CD, one a tape, and one a record, but we all want to put in a song that speaks of a moment for us. This is really talking about the continuity of music through time. How do we tap into those things which connect through time (and through the cosmos)?