Sunday, November 11, 2007

Personal Time Capsules 6: "Age 10"

-baseball cards
-picture of my dog
-teenage mutant ninja turtles movie
-meeting Laurel
-my thumb
-murph & sarah
-pink magenta turtleneck
-analog telephone
-photo of Andrea Haughton
-recording of "Carmina Burana"
-dragon's from Mr. Millar's portable classroom
-a pair of black hush puppie sweatpants
-a box of legos
-a picture of my grandparents
-best of Journey CD
-an apple II G computer
-my diary (first I ever had)
-my favorite skirt with the flowers
-the glasses I wore
-my spelling bee trophy
-my favorite books: A Wrinkle in Time & The Dark is Rising

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