Friday, November 9, 2007

Testing, testing...

I've done it! I've started a Project X blog! THE WORLD WILL NEVER BE THE SAME.


L. said...

This is beautiful!...

Imagine a group of people who get transported into a differnt time, trapped in a bomb shelter/time capsul. Collectively, they have to figure out where they are by what the see around them, thus creating the imagined or real story behind the objects. Upon figuring these things out they will have a chance to escape into another dimension/time/planet..etc..


Hand2Mouth Theatre said...

Oops! The Ted Talks link was wrong so I changed it on the side. Hope no one was freaked out. Can't wait to get home and start blogging!

Hand2Mouth Theatre said...

Hey Liz... is this your official paragraph? if so i'll add it the the ol' master document.


L. said...

Just bought Murmurs of The Earth and came across a book called Tesla Man out of Time...I'm eating him up.. great scientist in the late 1800's early 1900's genius, was known as a human time capsul himself. Able to direct energy through his body, able to be electricuted without even a shudder. Invented thousands of devices. Invented the idea of robots, radio devices eminating to Mars, etc...Dumb founded by how and what he stood for. Where is he located and what has he left behind?